R E M P U S C H E F S K Y e. K.
The Company REMPUSCHEFSKY e. K. - Business Development - is represented in Germany with two offices, one in the near of Hannover with the Head Office and
a second office South Germany.
The Company REMPUSCHEFSKY operates since more than 35 years on the market and
established in thistime a very extensive and excellent network.
Our expertise and experience in the machining technologyand the market are the basis
of our successful activity. We can implementprofessionally and cost-effectively with our
employees with the requirements ofindustrial customers for their technical demands,
complexand require explanation drawing parts with our partners.
As a sales specialist, we open the German market for our partners at home andabroad.
The main activity is the marketing and distribution, we use ourlongstanding good contacts
in the Industry (network) to the desired targetgroup / Company to identify and edit.
Our activity is highly qualified, very efficient and the contacts come from thekey
Industry in Germany. We create demand and price analysis for our partners to increase thecompetitiveness in the market. The main objectives are to develop to the desired
business for our partners.